Workers Compensation

Chiropractic is an excellent means of dealing with workers compensation issues. If there's an injury on the job and you've gone down the traditional medical road to be treated, it may be time to give chiropractic a try. Chiropractors are professionals at dealing with underlying issues that potentially could be missed by medical doctors. Locating the source of your injury could be the difference between fixing an issue and living with something for a long period of time.

In addition to being professionals at uncovering underlying issues, chiropractors handle the healing process without the need for addictive pain pills and potentially risky surgery. If you've been injured at work, make sure to go see a chiropractor for an initial consultation.

Participating provider for Workers Compensation patients

- New York State -patients injured on the job in New York

-Federal Workers Compensation- patients injured on the job for Federal agencies such as the USPS, TSA and VA facilities.

Our Location

808 Allerton Avenue Bronx, NY, 10467

Office Hours

Find Out When We Are Open


10:00am -1:00pm

3:00pm - 7:00pm


3:00pm - 6:00pm


10:00am -1:00pm

3:00pm - 7:00pm




10:00am -1:00pm

3:00pm - 7:00pm


10:00am -1:00pm



Contact Us

Phone: 718-655-0487 or Send Us An Email Today!